This course will teach you the theory behind large language models (LLMs) and give you the tools to implement LLMs in your applications.
Dr. Bruno Yun
Send your queries by email. For a face-to-face meeting, contact me by email to arrange one.
This part of the course will have 18 hours of lectures, 12 hours of practicals.
The teaching timetable is split into three sessions as follows.
Part 1: Zoom on the transformer architecture (3 hours, 12th of November 2024)
Continuous assessment 1 (written test, 30%) → Deadline 01/12/2024 23:59
Part 2: A short history of large language models (3 hours, 18th of November 2024)
Part 3: Pre-training and Post-training (3 hours, 25th of November 2024)
Part 4: Practical techniques and tools for large language models (3 hours, 2nd of December 2024)
Retrieval Augmented Generation
Useful tools for large language models
Part 5: Evaluation and ethical questions of large language models (3 hours, 9th of December 2024)
Part 6: Exciting research of large language models (3 hours, 16th of December 2024)
Pros and Cons of selective state space models (SSMs)
Part 7-9: Practicals
Practical 2: Implementing GPT2 and pre-training (3 hours, 10th of January 2025)
Practical 3: Fine-tuning GPT2 and simple LLM-based evaluation (3 hours, 17th of January 2025)
Practical 4 Building applications with LLMs (3 hours, 24th of January 2025)
Continuous assessment 3 (code and report, 40%) → Deadline 26th of January 2025