This course will teach you the basics of formal argumentation.
Dr. Bruno Yun
Send your queries by email. For a face-to-face meeting, contact me by email to arrange one.
This part of the course will have 6 hours of lectures, 3 hours of tutorials, and 6 hours of practicals.
The teaching timetable is split into three sessions as follows.
Session 1 (24/04/2025, 8am to 1pm):
Lecture 1: Argumentation theory and extension-based semantics(1.5 hours)
Lecture 2: Labelling semantics and links to extension-based semantics (1.5 hours)
TD1: Computing extensions, labellings, and dialogues (1.5 hours)
Session 2 (22/05/2025, 8am to 1pm):
Lecture 3: Principle-based approach and ranking-based semantics (1.5 hours)
Lecture 4: Logic-based argumentation and fallacies (1.5 hours)
TD2: Ranking-based semantics, ASPIC-, and fallacies (1.5 hours)